Strategic foresight in CGIAR : Agriculture & Food Systems to 2050

13 November 2018. Seattle, United States. University of Washington. Foresight @CGIAR One-day pre-SC-7 event on horizon scanning and foresight in CGIAR 
The aim of this event was to inform the development of a process for strategic foresight in CGIAR drawing on the outcomes of the two foresight workshops—specifically, the reflections related to key drivers of change and trends that will influence the agri-food system.

  • Synthesize results of ISPC foresight exercise on drivers of change and future trends affecting the global agri-food systems, and their implications for CGIAR research agenda.
  • Consider options for the development of future Independent Science and Development Council (ISDC) work on foresight and horizon scanning.
The book Agriculture and Food Systems to 2050 (World Scientific, published 20 November 2018, 678 pages) was launched during the event. 
  • This book features a comprehensive foresight assessment, exploring the pressures — threats as well as opportunities — on the global agriculture & food systems between now and 2050.
  • Pdfs of individual chapters are also available on the Publisher website
  • The overarching aim of this book is to help readers understand the context, by analyzing global trends and anticipating change for better planning and constructing pathways from the present to the future by focusing on the right questions and problems. 
  • The book contextualizes the role of international agricultural research in addressing the complex challenges posed by UN 2030 Agenda and beyond, and identifies the decisions that scientific leaders, donors and policy makers need to take today, and in the years ahead, to ensure that a global population rising to nine billion or more combined with rising incomes and changing diets can be fed sustainably and equitably, in the face of the growing climate threats.

Session 1. Introduction - Synthesis of IPSC Foresight
Panel 1: International Ag Research 4 Development – The changing roles
Panel 2: A new green revolution without mineral fertilizer? New pathways towards sustainable intensification
Panel 3: Disruptive technologies & innovation; Leapfrogging for development – opportunities for CGIAR?
  • Patrick van der Duin (STT) – Disruptive technology in agriculture
  • Bruce Friedrich (Good Food Institute) – Futures of food systems
  • Jonathan Wadsworth (World Bank) – Leapfrogging for development in S.S. Africa
Interactive session


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