Assessing the Quality of Farmer Field School Programmes

12 December 2018. Rome. This event was organized as part of the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) global knowledge product (GKP). Dr van den Berg presented the work done by Wageningen University (the Netherlands) in collaboration with the global FFS team on reviewing FFS impact evaluations and developing guidance for MEL in FFS programmes.

The event was web-streamed.
  • Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are implemented by an increasing number of projects and organizations worldwide. As such, in 2018, FAO collaborated with Wageningen University to review the status and impact of FFS programmes since 2005. 
  • Building on a review of impact studies, a survey on the status of implementation at global level, and two case studies in Indonesia and Malawi, the review provides an overview of achievements and avenues for improvement of FFS programmes today.
  • Building on the review, a guidance document for monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), and impact assessment of FFS has also been developed. 
  • The document builds on the discussions held by FFS experts in Bangkok last September as well as contributions received from FAO’s divisions, regional and national offices and external partners such as CARE and CIP. 
  • The guidance aim at strengthening MEL and impact assessment of FFS to further improve its quality across projects.


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