How to formulate and deliver compelling messages about your research.

13 December 2018. Webinar. This second AgriFoSe2030 policy briefs webinar focuses on how to profile your target audience, and then how to formulate and deliver compelling messages about your research.

On the 14th of december 2017 AgriFose2030 arranged the webinar “How to write policy briefs in the field of sustainable agriculture and food security”. You can watch the webinar here.

In the AgriFoSe2030 programme, the science we do is about change: about how to improve food security and make farming practices more sustainable. But new knowledge does not always lead to change. We need to bring our science to the change-makers, to help them understand the implications.

In this webinar we looked at policy briefs: what they are, who they are for, and how to write them well. The webinar was run by the highly experienced AgriFoSe2030 Communication and Engagement Theme. The webinar was open to all members of the AgriFoSe2030 Academy. Watch the whole webinar below:


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