Climate Smart Seed Systems Research

GCRF-AFRICAP is a major programme to make agriculture and food production in Sub-Saharan Africa more productive, sustainable and resilient to climate change.

Working with local organisations and governments in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia, if is creating an evidence base to underpin new country-specific policies in agriculture and food production.

Through the GCRF-AFRICAP programme, FANRPAN and the University of Leeds are conducting research into Climate Smart Seed Systems.
  • As part of the research, the survey is seeking responses to this short survey from those involved in seed system activity (e.g. gene/seed banks, crop breeders, regulators, seed companies, agro-dealers, extension officers, farmers) across Africa.
  • GCRF-AFRICAP is particularly interested in the priorities and activities that direct seed systems in Africa, and evaluating the importance of and responses to climate variability and change within these systems.
  • The survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Your answers will be anonymous, although if you would be willing to be contacted for follow up information or would like to receive updates on the research, there will be a space to provide your contact details.
The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is a £1.5 billion fund to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. The GCRF delivery partners are: UK Research and Innovation, Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Higher Education Division Northern Ireland, Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal Society, British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering and UK Space Agency.

  • promote challenge-led disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, including the participation of researchers who may not previously have considered the applicability of their work to development issues
  • strengthen capacity for research, innovation and knowledge exchange in the UK and developing countries through partnership with excellent UK research and researchers
  • provide an agile response to emergencies where there is an urgent research need.
Latest call for proposals:
A Combined Food Systems Approach to Scaling-up Interventions to Address the Double Burden of Malnutrition Deadline 7 May 2019


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