
Showing posts from April, 2019

Agroecology Infopool website now launched

An extensive new resource on agroecology has just been made available by Biovision, following the first phase of the Advocacy for Agroecology (A4A) project, of which IPES-Food is a key partner. The “ Agroecology Info Pool ” ( ) was launched last month at the 2nd Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme - One Planet Network. The Agroecology Info Pool contains convincing cases , a criteria tool to assess projects or policies, and an assessment of the impacts of various agroecological interventions on all Sustainable Development Goals. This website serves as a platform to provide evidence, knowledge, and experiences on the impacts and multiple benefits of agroecology . Through the A4A project, Biovision, IPES-Food, and other partners are assessing how current funding for agricultural research, development, and extension services is allocated, and to what extent it supports conventional systems versus sustainable (and particularly agroeco...

Forum for the Future of Agriculture

9 April 2019.  Brussels. FFA2019 : The next generation . The Forum for the Future of Agriculture (FFA) has been contributing to the debate on agriculture and the environment in Brussels since 2008. The FFA is now firmly established as the premier event where agriculture and environment meet each year for an open dialogue. "There is no more time to waste. It is often said that tomorrow belongs to the next generation. Unfortunately, we have made the world in which the tomorrow is already predetermined by us – for all of them, around the world. Make no mistake, the next generation is already out there. There are hundreds of millions of them, and the vast majority lives in the developing world . They have as much right as anyone in this room to a sustainable, just, and happy life."   Janez Potočnik  Chair FFA2019, Chairman RISE Foundation  -  Read full speech Extract of the programme: OPENING ADDRESS  Ertharin Cousin,  12th Executive Director, United Nati...

Linking research to private sector research priorities

7-9 April 2019.  Cairo.  Africa Food Manufacturing conference . ICARDA video interview  with  Atef Wafic Idriss  Syndicate of Lebanese Food Industries MEFOSA -  Middle East North Africa Food Associates MENA Food Safety Associates (MEFOSA) was formed to assist companies hone their competitive edge by establishing and verifying procedures and practices that ensure quality, wholesome and safe products. It provides consulting, auditing and training services in HACCP, GMPs, Hygiene and more. MEFOSA can help move businesses into a leadership position through science-based food safety. Atef Wafic Idriss pf  MEFOSA  responds to following questions on Public Private Partnerships and Linking research to private sector research priorities: What is the impact of ICARDA's fusarium resistant chickpea in Lebanon? (Note: Some fusarium species produce mycotoxins in cereal crops that can affect human and animal health if they enter the food chain) Was this var...

Climate Smart Seed Systems Research

GCRF-AFRICAP is a major programme to make agriculture and food production in Sub-Saharan Africa more productive, sustainable and resilient to climate change. Working with local organisations and governments in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia , if is creating an evidence base to underpin new country-specific policies in agriculture and food production. Through the GCRF-AFRICAP programme, FANRPAN and the University of Leeds are conducting research into Climate Smart Seed Systems . As part of the research, the survey is seeking responses to this short survey from those involved in seed system activity (e.g. gene/seed banks, crop breeders , regulators, seed companies, agro-dealers, extension officers, farmers) across Africa. GCRF-AFRICAP  is particularly interested in the priorities and activities that direct seed systems in Africa, and evaluating the importance of and responses to climate variability and change within these systems. The survey takes 5-10 minutes to com...

Africa Food Manufacturing

7-9 April 2019.  Cairo. Africa Food Manufacturing conference . The conference hosted professors from various universities, food scientists, industries, and students, local and international. It was organised by MEFOSA ( Middle East North Africa Food Associates ) and INFORMA / Food Ingredients Africa Distinguished international speakers, professionals, scientists from different countries met, thought, collaborated and shared their ideas, new releases and scientific research on Food Science and Technological solving problem solutions.  Extract of the programme : It included the following tracks: Track 1: Food science and technology: Preharvest factors, tools, techniques and instrumentation. Atef Wafic.Idriss  MEFOSA ( Middle East North Africa Food Associates ) Food Industries MENA Food Safety Associates (MEFOSA) was formed to assist companies hone their competitive edge by establishing and verifying procedures and practices that ensure quality, wholesome and safe products....

Forecasting the weather with an app

Published 8 April 2019 . Combined with local knowledge, modern tools help to predict the weather in the short term. Sharing local knowledge to predict the weather with the community and plan farming activities.  Watch and download the full video in different languages at:  

Creating value chains for resilient, underutilized crops

6 April 2019 . Marrakesh, Morocco.  Value chains for super crops key to fighting poverty, hunger in  IsDB member countries @ICBAAgriculture Creating value chains for resilient, underutilized crops like quinoa, sorghum and Salicornia should form the cornerstone of food security and poverty reduction strategies in the face of climate change and other threats to agricultural production and rural livelihoods in member countries of the Islamic Development Bank ( IsDB ). This was the consensus of leaders, policymakers, scientists and experts attending a high-level event on sustainable agricultural value chains on the sidelines of IsDB’s 44th Annual Meeting held from 3 to 6 April. More than 100 delegates from around 30 countries looked at how climate-smart crops can help to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1 and 2 on no poverty and zero hunger. “The IsDB’s recognition that effective engagement of the private sector through  commodity value chains that have nationa...

EC High-level event on food and agriculture in times of crisis

2-3 April 2019 . Brussels.  The European Commission in Brussels – on behalf of the Global Network against Food Crises – hosted the high-level event on food and agriculture in times of crisis. #FightFoodCrises The high-level event: Set the scene of the current and projected situation with respect to food crises and related trends and drivers based on solid and consensus-based evidence. Highlight current and future challenges and opportunities to reduce the risks of food crises, focusing on the role of agricultural livelihoods and related agri-food systems in the framework of social, environmental, economic and security dynamics. Review policies, initiatives, tools, and coordination mechanisms currently in place to address food crises, exploring whether emerging and recurrent challenges require changes and adaptive strategies, and defining areas for improvement and innovative solutions and partnerships. Draw political, strategic and operational conclusions and define a roadmap t...

Sudan could be one of the world’s great breadbaskets

Ailafoun Dairy Farm, owned by Sudan’s Dal Group and the country’s largest such facility, has in the past brought in foreign cows to increase production. 2 April 2019.   Bloomberg Businessweek. Arab policymakers have been touting Sudan’s ability to feed the populous and water-scarce Middle East since the 1970s. The country features as much as 200 million acres of arable land, a strategic location less than a day’s sail across the Red Sea to the Saudi port of Jeddah, and a roughly 25 percent share of the Nile’s waters under regional agreements, much of it unused. In the Middle East and North Africa, by contrast, World Bank and United Nations statistics show that the number of chronically undernourished people has doubled, to 33 million, since 1990 , and that water availability has tumbled on average to a sixth of the global mean. Abdellatif, chairman of Dal Group, beside a statue of Taharqa, a Nubian king, in the lobby of his office in Khartoum . The benefits for both parties wou...

AR4D Funding Opportunities - April 2019

A G R I C U L T U R AL  Research Common Fund for Commodities — 14th Call for Proposals The CFC calls for proposals that advance  commodity development in its member countries.  Funding is targeted mainly to for-profit organizations and social enterprises for production, value chains, and marketing across a wide group of commodities (agricultural crops, tree crops, timber, bamboo and rattan, minerals, and others). This 14th call for proposals has a deadline on  15 April 2019.  Global Agriculture and Food Security Program — Strengthen Agriculture in low-income Countries GAFSP announces its next call for proposals in the Public Sector Window for programs and projects that strengthen agriculture and lessen food insecurity in low-income countries. GAFSP intends to fund 4-6 proposals for a total of at least US$100 million. Applications (English and French) are limited to 24 countries in fragile and conflict-affected situations: Africa, Middle East and North Afric...