Coffee: Behind the success story

18 December 2018. Brussels. at the DEVCO InfoPoint. Coffee: Behind the success story. Can coffee production still be sustainable in times of climate change and price crisis?

Presentation of the main results of a recent study which analyses the evolution of value distribution within the coffee sector, evaluates the social and environmental impacts generated along the chain, and estimates the hidden costs offset on public authorities and third parties. This analysis is based on detailed case studies of value chains between France (on the consumption side) and Colombia, Peru and Ethiopia (on the production side). Discussion wase followed by a debate on what kind of public policy measures could be put in place.
  • Introduction: Regis Meritan, Head of Sector - Agricultural Growth, DEVCO C1 - Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition
  • Christophe Alliot, BASIC, (Bureau for Appraisal of Social Impacts for Citizen information)
  • Julie Stoll, Director of Commerce Équitable France
Find below the link to watch the video of the conference:


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