Developing the rice value chain in East and West Africa
30 November 2018. Brussels. DevCo Infopoint . Rice is becoming one of the most important food crops on the African continent. Steep population growth coupled with rapid urbanization and changing consumer behaviour are the main drivers behind the increasing demand for the cereal. You will find below the link to watch the video of the conference Despite increased rice production output over the years, the average yields across Africa still remain very low and meet just a fraction of what is actually demanded Challenges along the value chain are still high, but also the potential for significant growth, employment creation and poverty reduction in Africa. Introduction: Mr Regis Meritan , Head of Sector - Agricultural Growth DEVCO C1 - Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition Dr. Ulrich Sabel – Koschella, Head of Unit, Agricultural Value Chains, GIZ A4SD Mr Jean – Ber...